(912) 233-3208 kimb@boaenmechanical.com
The Landmark Building

The Landmark Building

Replaced existing rooftop package units with 2 new, 60 ton units Installed i-Vu Control System, including 60 VAV control...
Richmond Hill Middle School

Richmond Hill Middle School

Installed entire heating and air system for the new school 25 rooftop units 92 wall mounts Complete installation of all duct work, piping and...


Replaced 5, 40 ton rooftop chilled water air handlers with 70 ton chillers, including installation of all piping and...
The Cay Building

The Cay Building

Installed entire heating and air system for the 6 story Cay Building 2 rooftop cooling towers 5, 30 ton water source units on each floor Complete installation of all duct work, piping and drains VAV boxes with DDC control...